This is a contest for the visions of an ideal sustainable village: a place where you would want to live, study, work and experience the challenges and rewards of an ecologically durable lifestyle. In other words: to define the future of living.
You can draw, sketch, take photographs, paint, use digital design tools to create images, or even submit poetry (however, poetry must make a visual statement as well as all entries will be treated as images). You can be as creative as you like, but please keep in mind the key words and goals of the CLEAR Village.
Distil your vision in to a 600dpi horizontal A4 image and send it through sendspace.com, following the instructions mentioned underneath.
Key words:
Collaborative, participatory, connected, global, vernacular, secular, inclusive, multi-generational, multi-functional, adaptive, evolutive, holistic, systemic, community, self-sufficient, sustainable, aspirational, future, masterplan, rural, reboot, low-tech, hi-tech.
Goals of the CLEAR Village Foundation:
Develop an aspirational future of living in the midst of financial and ecological crisis. Co-design a replicable masterplan strategy with global experts to reboot rural & peri-urban areas. Harmonise low-tech romantic ideals with 21st century high-tech solutions and which offers alternative paths to non-sensical new builds.
First Prize: 2500€
Two Runners Up: 1250€ each
Winners names will be published in CLEAR Village publications and the winning entries will be showcased there.
Deadline: 23rd September 2009
Submission through E-mail.
taken from: http://www.clear-village.org/contest
posted by afterrabbit
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